Because I want to sail this bad boy to Port Lincoln eventually it has to be able to, well, sail. That means it needs some lateral resistance. Thats what lets the boat move in a direction other than whee the wind is blowing. This can be a keel or a centreboard or, in this case, a dagger board. (A centreboard swings up into the hull whereas a daggerboard plunges straight down.
The daggerboard case has to come up it the hull a fair way so that it can be open at the top and not flood the boat. It also has to resist quite a bit of lateral force so needs to be reinforced quiet well. The photo above shows the inside of the case. It has to be epoxied on the inside before closing so it is all waterproof. The angled bit at the back allows the case to double as a support for the middle thwart (seat). The photo below shows the case in place and the thwart reinforcing it.