Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The keelson

The keelson is also called a hog, I don't know what the difference is. Its the bit of timber that this bottom planks (garboard strakes) are attached to. It is planed so it will match the angle of the planks (strakes).

A notch is cut into the moulds to hold the keelson.

Because the keelson has to curve a fair bit it is made out of two laminates. Now a real boat builder would use Brazillian Mahogany or the like. I am not a real boatbuilder. As each blog post reinforces, I am a tight arse. I bought some meranti architrave from the local hardware shop and ripped it down to 70x10mm planks.


At the appropriate spot according to the plans I cut the centreboard case slot once the keelson had been epoxied, clamped and dried. I did this by cutting a hole the width of the slot and then using a jigsaw to do the rest.

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